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¿µ¹®¿ø¼­ > ¿µ¹®¿ø¼­ > Implants in Qualitatively Compromised Bone

Implants in Qualitatively Compromised Bone
ÀúÀÚ : Georg Watzek,
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¹ßÇàÀÏ: 2004³â,  188p; 145 illus (92 color)
ÃâÆÇ: Quintessence Pub co.   ISBN: 1-85097-050-5

2005³â ºÒ·®ÇÑ °ñÁú¿¡¼­ÀÇ Ä¡°ú ÀÓÇÁ¶õÆ®  ¹ø¿ªÃâÆÇ


1 Overview of Factors Affecting Bone Quality/Georg Watzek
2 Mechanisms of Bone Development, Remodeling, and Loss/Reinhard Gruber
3 Structure of Atrophic Alveolar Bone/Christian Ulm and Gabor Tepper
4 Perfusion of Compromised Bone and Implications for Implant Therapy/Gabor Tepper and Christian Ulm
5 Assessment of Bone Quality: Techniques, Procedures, and Limitations/Andr?Gahleitner and Gabriel Monov
6 Surgical Perspectives for Compromised Bone/Georg Mailath-Pokorny
7 Experimental Approaches in Bone Regeneration/Reinhard Gruber and Gabor Fuerst
8 Implants in the Elderly/Robert Haas and Georg Watzak
9 Implants in Children and Adolescents/Thomas Bernhart and Werner Zechner
10 Implants in Irradiated Bone/Michael Weinl?der and John Beumer III

11 Lasers in Implant Dentistry/Robert Haas, Orhun D?tbudak, and Norbert Jakse


Hardly any term in implant surgery has been misused as often as compromised bone. Most attempts to shed light on the concept have been confined to data on changes in bone microstructure, while a comprehensive review of the cellular, microstructural, and gross anatomic pathology and physiology; current diagnostic tools; and treatment options is still not available. Few have attempted to go beyond the four well-known bone quality classes defined by Lekholm and Zarb in 1985, which continue to be the basis of discussions in the literature. One notable exception is Aging, Osteoporosis, and Dental Implants, edited by G. Zarb, U. Lekholm, T. Albrektsson, and H. Tenenbaum (Quintessence, 2002). Although, as the title suggests, the book is focused specifically on age-related changes and their impact on dental implants, contributing to this work inspired me, along with my colleagues at the University of Vienna, to review the problem of compromised bone and its impact on dental implants in a more comprehensive way and to condense our findings in this volume.
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